Wednesday, September 19, 2007

I was preparing steak for dinner for myself today when I decided to try something new, other than just having it plain with coleslaw. Last time I bought frozen fries and fry it myself but this rather unhealthy and uses so much oil that I need to mop the kitchen after that. I prefer something I could do fast with no preparation required. I thought of baking potatoes but it will take a long time. So since i was near a supermart, i went in and bought my favourite minestrone soup but it turns out that the whole can is full of the ingredients and no soup. Add some water and simmer it and add some corn starch to make it a little starchy. Not much change huh, so i decided to make a blackpepper sauce to go with my steak today. So after I'm done with the steak, i heated some water, added some HP sauce and stir it. Then when i want to add in the blackpepper, the bottle just won't open, i have no idea why, maybe the gym session earlier is showing its effect. So no choice have to make do with a HP sauce, but it turned out rather good, complement the meat well.

Tomorrow i shall attempt my blackpepper sauce again.

Those who read the news about the NSF who brought a rifle out would probably have realised by now how this bugger managed to get out with his rifle and rounds. 3 mistakes were found after a High Board of Inquiry(HBOI) was conducted.
  1. The guard room allowed unathorised exit which the NSF climbed out of the 2nd floor window and jumped down from the parapet away from the view of the guard room.
  2. Guard duties were 4hours each instead of the usual 2 and there was a lack of supervision.
  3. Failure by the guard commanders to report the incident promptly, Military police were alerted at 3am while the NSF escaped at bout 12midnight.
If my memory serves me well, a HBOI is the 2nd highest level of investigation in SAF, conducted by an OC level officer(Captain) and assisted by a PC level officer(Lieutenant). That's not all, they have to report their findings to a board of panel, chaired by 2 senior officers of rank at least Lieutenant Colonel and a civilian(i think). Investigators not only have to interview all personnels involved and draft out their report, they also need to suggest what form of punishment should be meted out for those found to fail in their duties. Before i ORD, i was given a task of conducting a Low Board of Inquiry(I can't tell u what its about) and i must say a LBOI is already damn mafan. I had to summon all personnels involved for an interview to get a full side of the story, visit the 'crime scene', draft a report detailing about each person's wrongdoing and recommending punishment and improvements to prevent the incident in the future. Luckily a LBOI was reviewed by my CO only. So to all the buddies, section mates, sergeants and officers of Cpl Dave Teo, good luck to you.