Sunday, September 16, 2007

Flight 93

I was watching a documentary on the heroic efforts by the passengers and crew of the hijacked Flight 93 on Sept 11, 2001. Everyone knows that the plane crashed in a cleared area in Pennsylvania but after investigations by forensics, telephone records and flight recordings, they finally knew what happened on the plane.

Turns out that after the hijackers took control of the plane, the passengers who at this time were gathered at the back of the plane, called their loved ones through cellphones and other means. Through this they managed to find out what was going on with the hijackings and what the hijackers actually wanted. Investigations and confessions by one of the plotters led the authorities to believe that Flight 93 was bound to crashed into the US Capitol building which on that day was packed with politicians. Had it crashed it would have been a darker day for the US. The 40 or so passengers and crew decided to mount a revolt against the hijackers in a bid to take back the plane and they managed to neutralise the hijackers outside the cockpit before using one of those meal trolley to ram the cockpit door to take back control of the plane. Families of passengers on board were given the opportunity to listen to the cockpit recordings minutes before the crash. To which they could hear their loved ones storming into the cockpit and fought with the hijackers. The end result from the recordings was that the passengers did managed to wrest back control of the plane but unfortunately did not have enough time to save the plane from crashing. However their heroic efforts did managed to prevent their plane from crashing into the US Capitol building. Post-crash investigations also revealed that the passengers on board Flight 93 were a rather unusual lot. Among the passengers and crew were a judo master, ex-cop, american football player and a few others who have shown valor and courage before the flight. They brought the meaning of heroes to a whole new level until the show Heroes came out of course. But they were just great and it just warms your heart that there's such people around and they will always be remembered.