Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Tropic Thunder

Watched Tropic Thunder last Saturday with the alliance before dinner. If you one who purely wished to wind down after getting stressed-up at work, this is it. Basically a star studded-no brainer- no need to know the plot movie. Jack Black is a well-known clown while Robert Downey Jr is freshed from the success of Ironman. Ben Stiller... well... just Ben Stiller. What is amazing is Tom Cruise had a role in it. A fat, balding, super vulgar Tom Cruise(yes, it really is him) dancing like he's on 'So You Think You Can Dance?'

Monday, October 6, 2008

I'm looking for La-Bell

Joker: Excuse me, I'm looking for La-Bell, do you have La-Bell??

Assistant: La-Bell??

Joker: Yes, La-Bell.... L-A-B-E-L..... La-Bell.

Assistant: Oh, Label?

Joker: Ya, La-Bell, A4 size... do you have?

Assistant: Yes, we have...

Came across this funny incident last week when I happened to be walking around in Daiso, Plaza Singapura... I wonder if that joker still pronounce it as La-Bell. Anyway Daiso seems to have almost everything thinkable... amazing.