Thursday, November 8, 2007

I've just been acquitted from charges of murder. Yes I'm really innocent, but no this is NOT a real case. I'm just playing the accused for Colin(law undergrad) in his mock trial assessment. The 'Judge' is actually a qualified lawyer who also serve as tutors for law students like Colin. This is the first time I've stepped into a law firm, nothing fanciful, pretty much like a standard office u see in Raffles Place. It was fun to see how Colin and his opponent(another Seow) questioning the witness(someone else) with Colin trying to discredit the witness(I like the hearing loss part). But it wasn't all that fun when its my turn man. Its okay when Colin was questioning me, since we already gone through the whole procedure a few times but the 'prosecutor' was actually smart to use yes/no questions on me, trying to confuse me with double negation questions and the likes. But apparently she prepares everything she has to say in a 'speech' form and kinda thrown off tracked when I did not gave the answers she wants. So Brad Peat(read Brad Pitt) is cleared of all charges yet score a night with Valda the nurse. Yeah! It was a good experience for me to get a glimpse of court proceedings. Anyway both of them passed so no harm done.

Yesterday as I was on the train(yes, i still take public transport once in a while) to NUS, I noticed how popular PSP has become. In one carriage alone, from what I could see, I saw 3 people indulging in some PSP fun. Looking at them just makes me wanna buy one man. That day I saw someone reading comics from her PSP, how cool is that man.