Friday, October 5, 2007

The packet of life

Today I finally went to donate blood while they were having the usual blood donation drive in NUS. I must say the experience is a lot better than I had expected. Its probably becoz they injected some anesthetics on the arm. I once had a high viral fever while serving NS which resulted in them putting me on a drip. The lousy medics inserted the thick needle into my arm 3 times since the first 2 failed terribly. NO anesthetics were used during the process.

Back to topic, I dun even feel a thing during the whole process, the only pain you will feel is the finger prick on blood testing and the initial injection of the anesthetic but that needle is very much thinner than the one used to draw your blood so no fear. In about 15 mins the whole drawing process is over. After that donors get to have some refreshments in the resting area while watching a movie. They were showing 300 while I was there and the refreshments include milo and other juices, food like apples, Oreo cookies and other biscuits. It was also nice of them to give first time donors a cert as an appreciation. I left within an hour from registration.

I hope those who still have some apprehension on donating blood would feel less apprehensive on donating blood after reading this and go for your first blood donation.