Thursday, August 16, 2007

Archers! Fire!

Went for archery just now, after changing it from monday to tuesday then to thursday. First there was a short introduction on the equipment before a demonstration on how to actually shoot the arrow before we're off to our individual 'instructor' whose actually just someone on the archery team. So practice a few rounds since its about 4 to a bow and we still need to retrieve the arrows since they're not unlimited. And after that was the fun part, the prize shooting. We blew some balloons and placed them around the board with a coaster(yes, the kind u put ur cup on) on the bull's eye. 2 arrows at a time before rotating, we took turn to shoot the coaster and the balloons, hitting a balloon entitles u to take a prize from the goody bag which contains items like Ma-mee and other tidbits. Hitting the coaster which also means hitting the bull eye's entitles u to the coaster with a complimentary Nus Archery chop on it. Its not really easy to land the shot where u aim with all the wobbling and stuff, every now and then u can hear the sound of an arrow hitting the metal fence behind or the rim of the target board. The metal fence is literally filled with holes lah. But still as a marksman in the army, i managed to get that coaster in the last shot, how lucky. And my elbow got whacked by the bow string twice man, literally burst a few capillaries under the skin with those blood marks, definitely gonna get a few bruises tomorrow. But its really fun, and cheap too, $10 for the intro with refreshments included and i topped up another $12 to join the recreational sub-club to shoot once a week from week 3 -11. If not for mi tuition on thur, i would seriously consider joining the team, maybe next semester.

Anyway is it just me or are the roads getting narrower these days?