Sunday, May 31, 2009

Misconceptions about Singapore

When you sit down in front of your laptop on a long weekend in your room, somehow you remember the stuff you want to share with others, thus here comes another post to compensate for the weeks of inactivity.

As you travel around, people start asking where you are from and stuff and you start to know what others know about your country. Here are some of the common or biggest misconception people have about Singapore.

1) Singaporean chinese speaking Mandarin is pretty new to some of our chinese folks. Some thought that we only speak English while others express surprise at my fluency (I WAS in higher Chinese ok?)

2) Singaporeans do not like the English (the people of UK). I met this teacher from Manchester in Rome who felt that the fall of Singapore in WWII was a total disgrace on the British and thought that we Singaporeans hated the English because of it. You are always welcomed in Singapore, Martin!

3) Tourism is Singapore's only if not biggest source of revenue. Did I mention that 70% of the World's oil rigs are built by us(mentioned by some ME prof)? Surely we did not attain 5th in terms of highest foreign reserves based purely on 10mil visitors a year.


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