Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The spoilt brats of China

Though the One-Child policy in China managed to control the population growth of the country (I hope it did), it has spawned a new problem for its citizens - a generation of spoilt brats. Before I illustrate their doings, I must emphasis that not all of them are spoilt. I personally have chinese friends who did not display such behaviours to the slightest bit and too are irked by the ugly behaviours of their countrymen.

Incident 1

It was part of the orientation programme to visit the Royal Palace in Munich. As a picnic is expected, many brought their own food along. This incident happened between my taiwanese friend and a you know who.

My Taiwanese male friend prepared a sumptuous sandwich meal for himself and another Taiwanese girl in the group. When the chinese girl(about 18 or 19 years old) saw the delicious sandwiches, she approached the guy who was sitting with me.

(Translated from mandarin)
Spoilt girl: Wow, your sandwiches look delicious

Guy: I just made them with whatever I had.

Spoilt girl: Can I have one?

Guy: Sorry, but I only made enough for myself and the other girl.

Spoilt girl: How about you give me yours?

Guy: (gives a awkward smile) Sorry, I can't.

Spoilt girl: (She brought some normal bun from the supermarket) How about I exchange my bun with your sandwich?

Guy: Sorry, but there's not enough.

At this point in time, the spoilt girl was giving a pitiful look hoping for the taiwanese guy to relent while he continues to give an awkward smile. Then she finally relents after a couple of minutes and buy something from the cafe.

Apparently on another trip a week later, she approached the taiwanese guy again to ask for some lettuce, which I have no interest in finding out the details.

Incident 2

It was also part of the orientation that there was a welcome party at a club near one of the dorms. My Singaporean friend bought drinks on behalf of a few of us and apparently the girl from the previous incident was one of them. After 2 cocktails, the girl appears to be drunk and slumps onto a chair outside. As we were also about to leave, we were discussing about some stuff next to them. Then out of nowhere....

Spoilt girl (18 or 19 yrs old): Hello... (Pointing to my friend) hey you!

Singaporean guy (23 or 24 yrs old): yes?

Spoilt girl: (gesturing with her index finger) Come here!

Singaporean guy: (walks over)

Spoilt girl: Here's the money for the drinks just now for me and the other girl. (hands the money and slumps back to her chair)

Singaporean guy: Takes the money and continue talking to me.