Tuesday, September 23, 2008

F1 comes to Singapore

3 more days til F1 kickstarts in Singapore!

Heard that the $168 3 days walkabout tickets I bought now sells at $250/set on ebay... Darn, should have made some 'investments' if I knew.

The media has reported that the excitement for the race have not actually hit home, foreigners are more excited about it than we do. Pretty true actually, since there are some people who do not even have an inkling that the race will be over this weekend(like my mom).

Anyway I felt it was pretty unscrupulous for SMRT to exercise an $5 surcharge for its taxi flagged down in the race area during this period. A darn blood-sucking move indeed, either way SMRT wins since those who refused to pay will most likely have to take MRT and the fares again goes to you know who.

Anyway my guess for the race is Ferrari will win if the sky is all clear, if it rains darn Hamiliton who have proved to be the wet master will probably hit it home.