Bleach's openings always have so much spoilers, that is for those who only watch the anime of course.
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Friday, April 27, 2007
Your EQ is 153 |
![]() 50 or less: Thanks for answering honestly. Now get yourself a shrink, quick! 51-70: When it comes to understanding human emotions, you'd have better luck understanding Chinese. 71-90: You've got more emotional intelligence than the average frat boy. Barely. 91-110: You're average. It's easy to predict how you'll react to things. But anyone could have guessed that. 111-130: You usually have it going on emotionally, but roadblocks tend to land you on your butt. 131-150: You are remarkable when it comes to relating with others. Only the biggest losers get under your skin. 150+: Two possibilities - you've either out "Dr. Phil-ed" Dr. Phil... or you're a dirty liar. |
I never really believe such tests, not so easy to determine personality and character by a few questions, maybe subconsciously i'm lying, u never know but i did try to be as honest as possible.
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Never Say Goodbye
Never Say Goodbye
作詞:徐世珍 作曲:林一峰 編曲:洪信傑 演唱:動力火車
Never say good-bye
Please don't say good-bye
當眼淚流下來 讓勇氣走出來
Never say good-bye
Please don't say good-bye
我望著天 想要答案
Saturday, April 14, 2007
Friday, April 13, 2007
I think Singapore is a very fast-paced city to live in, so much so that people seldom get to stop and ponder what is it they're striving for. Why are we working so hard for? Do u really have a clear idea what exactly are u slogging for? Is it for the money which undeniably is necessary to maintain our life or even to improve it, or to a certain extent what u're doing is for a far greater cause, be it for urself. How many people actually have a clear idea what u want ur future to be like and work towards to that final goal?
For example, how many of u actually chose certain academic routes based on ur desired outcome or are u just tossed around by this world, by this very society u live in?
Many people i came across in JC had no clue what they aspires to be, the very reason of them being in JC is because they have no thought of what to do in the future and JC gives them another 2yrs to ponder over it. But how many actually do? Many are propelled to university courses based on the popularity of such courses or based on the economic gains they can expect to get from work in such field. Even some people on the verge of graduation had no idea where their future lies. Maybe they actually do have an idea what they want their life to be, maybe subconsciously, but due to the perceptions from society which viewed such aspirations impractical or unacceptable, these people chose to suppress them.
Say, what do u think if a fren of urs say he/she aspires to be a clown? In the context of our society, many people prob think this person is crazy, thinking such career path would get them nowhere in life. But if he/she is happy doing it, why not? Our society often look at things from the superficial point of view, etching such standards not only on themselves but also on others. Decades ago, who the hell would think being a artiste is a practical path to take? But look at the situation now, sure some people would be saying u can't compare past and present, last time mata(police) also wear shorts now wear long pants, etc. But do u base practicality to time? Then when is the transition time? Is it a gradual transition or a sudden one? So if today A decides to be a clown(view as impractical now) and a few years later he founded his own Clown School, CEO of Clown Ltd, earning as much our ministers through his clowning activities, i bet dozens of people wanna be clowns. Ok, so now its practical, so much so when people start to see the superficial gains can it be then regarded as practical and acceptable? Clowning is not my cup of tea by the way.
But there are also many who chose their path based on their personal interest, well at the very least i feel such people are one step ahead in steering their own life.
To tell u the truth, i too dun not have a clear view of mi own berth, what do i actually want. At least i think i've got the direction right, now i need to clear the fog in front of me to see that final destination i want to go.
Are u searching for yours too?
Anyway i realised its friday the 13th today, so do be careful out there... Stats have shown that there's significant increase in number of accidents happening on this day than any other day, but maybe its becoz ppl are paranoid, who knows?
Thursday, April 12, 2007
At a time like this
Sometimes when u meet setbacks, it really just demoralise u, sometimes u get restless and adopt a heck care attitude towards things. There are also times when ur morale hits rock bottom and u beginning losing faith in the things u do, losing faith in ur beliefs, ur ambition and goals. U begin to doubt whether u're able to fulfill these goals u set out to achieve in the first place. At a time like this u need either a clear head to wake urself up or a fren to lit a lantern showing u the path u set out to take amidst the darkness.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
I'm sure many people had heard of horsepower(hp), esp in cars... well u can see in anything that has a motor. I'm sure all engineering students know abt this, but have u ever wondered why there's such a term? why can't it be bullpower or smth? i bet most engin students dunno abt this too.
Allow me to enlighten u....
Horsepower(hp) is a term coined by Watts, the very person we honour through our monthly mention in our PUB bills. Yup, for those who had no idea wad i'm toking abt, take a gd look at ur PUB bill. U'll prob see words like kWh which means kilo watt per hour, that very watt we're toking here is a scientific unit we used to honour this guy here. Well Horsepower and Watt actually means the same thing, it refers to the amount of power, but there's a mulitplication factor here. 1hp = 746W and how the hell we came out with this factor? This is due to our smart smart Mr Watts. In the past ppl often use ponies to pull coal up from a quarry and by using basic physics, Watts calculated the average amount of energy exerted by the pony every minute and from there calculate the average amount of power by the pony, coming out with a figure of about 22,000ft-lbs/min and he mulitply this figure by 50%(typical engineer with his safety factor of 1.5) and u get 33,000ft-lbs/min = 746W which he called 1hp. Notice tat i said ponies here, but this is true man, maybe mr Watts couldn't differentiate horses from ponies?
Be enlightened!
Monday, April 9, 2007
What is success?
How do u define if ur life is successful?
This is from somewhere i read,
'Success is achieving what u set out to reach in the first place, of cos that goal must be something realistic and achievable in the first place. Sometimes that goal u set may become unrealistic then u shld adjust it accordingly while maintaining the final goal set out originally.'
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Tiberium wars is out! The 3rd installment of Command and Conquer is out with more reference to the very first edition, the Gold edition introduced about 12 years ago. Its been a long time since i played such computer games ever since mi bro bought PS2 and as mi desktop gets more outdated, it became laggy to play such games of high requirements. I hope mi laptop can support the requirements by C&C3 and not be laggy, otherwise it really kills the fun.
This semester passed rather quickly and soon its time for the exams again. Learning from my mistakes from last sem, I've started preparations early hopping to lift up my CAP. No matter what i feel this semester is rather fruitful in many ways. I've learned some useful critical thinking and writing skills and befriend some ppl from the CTW class and also german class. I guess it really prepares me a little towards the 2nd year which is just gonna get tougher with 5 core mods and more projects.
Happy studying people!
Wednesday, April 4, 2007
Time for Navi class
Its either I look real friendly or I always happen to be at the right place at the right time, since i've been asked directions in NUS not once, not twice but 3 times in my less than 2 semester time here. Of cos, there's the possibility that i look like the staff that would man an information counter if there's really one in NUS. Well i notice that 2 out of 3 could have gotten an answer if they spend some effort studying the map but then again ppl say girls are really bad at maps(prob becoz of lack of NS) and i happen to encounter one such girl. She was looking for LT16 i think, which i too had no idea where it is, so i looked at the map board which u can find in many MANY places in NUS and realise its at BIZ. Current location was at the post box outside central forum btw, so pointing at the map, i orientated her to our current location and pointed to her where LT16 was and to my horror she asked if its correct for her to cross the road which leads to Engin canteen (For those who dunno, tat's the opposite direction to BIZ). But still i politely pointed to her the correct direction to Biz and told her to just follow the signs on the ceiling. I think reading a map is a rather important skill most ppl shld know lest u go overseas and get lost or smth which happened to me once when i was in taiwan. Well we ain't exactly lost, just tat we dunno where to proceed but we're definitely on the right track, really.
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Discover the Discovery channel
I was told today that nus students can actually watch Discovery channel in campus FOC, i was delighted on hearing this becoz i really love watching show on Discovery or National Geographic and stuff but the thing is i dun have SCV at home. I did consider subscribing to SCV but realise that i'm probably at home only during weekends but being at home doesn't mean i'm free since there are webcasts to watch and tut to finish. But this is definitely distracting me from my study time in the lib though Discovery isn't the only one, sometimes u can find me watching prisonbreak too in the lib that is.